notizia17 maggio 2024

I don't take risks attends the International Museum Day 2024

Twelve Italian museums will host good civil protection practices

Giornata internazionale dei musei

Tomorrow, May 18, the International Museum Day will be celebrated worldwide. The day was established in 1977 by the ICOM-International Council of Museums, an organization that promotes the preservation of artistic and cultural heritage and the development of museums.

The theme selected for this year's edition, "Museums for Education and Research," emphasizes museums' key role in promoting creativity and critical thinking and their potential to foster a broader understanding of the world. During the event, museums will serve as spaces where people can learn about civil protection issues, including natural risks that affect our country and the behaviors that can help reduce their impact.

The twelve participating museums, distributed in eight regions, will host I don't take risks information points throughout the weekend and will act as hubs for spreading the culture of prevention, thanks to the contribution of civil protection volunteers.

This initiative arises from ICOM Italy's desire to collaborate with the Department of Civil Protection as part of the I don't take risks campaign, actively participating in citizen awareness events to help build increasingly informed and aware communities.

The complete list of museums participating in the event is available in the attachment.