"I don't take risks 365: communication 2": selections are open for the new Civil Service project in Rome and Savona
Eight students will get to spend a year at the Department and the CIMA Foundation

Selections for the Universal Civil Service project "I don't take risks 365: communication 2" will take place in Rome at the Department of Civil Protection on Tuesday, March 19, and Friday, March 22, and in Savona at the CIMA Foundation headquarters on Wednesday, March 20.
Candidates who have submitted applications for the six positions available at the Department, four at the Ulpiano office and two at the Vitorchiano office, are invited to Via Ulpiano 11 in Rome. Applicants who have submitted applications for the two positions made available by the CIMA Foundation are invited to Via Armando Magliotto in Savona.
At the end of the recruiting process, eight volunteers will be selected to work for a year in the two offices of the Civil Protection Department and at the CIMA Foundation, observing closely the activities of the National Service and actively contributing to disseminating good civil protection practices.
"I don't take risks 365: communication 2" is one of three projects of the Universal Civil Service program "I don't take risks 365: good civil protection practices 2" sponsored by Anpas to involve the younger generation in the prevention and resilience of communities.
Lists of applicants, divided by project location, are attached. Details of the meeting will also be sent to each applicant at the e-mail address provided in the application form.
Updated on March 15, 2024
By decree of the Head of the Department for Youth Policy and Civil Service dated March 7, the deadline for submitting applications was re-opened from March 11 at 10 AM to March 14 at 10 AM, 2024. The list of those invited to the selections for the 4 positions available in the office Ulpiano office of the Department is attached.